Just another WordPress.com weblog

It’s Wednesday again, people! Since I’ve had so much fun going Jaime the last few weeks, I thought I might keep it up.

*I’m loving that I won 3 awards in chapel yesterday as a senior: Who’s Who Among America’s College Students?, Alpha Chi Honor Society, and one for being an outstanding English major. It’s nice to feel like all my hard work has finally paid off.

*I’m loving that the Spring semester is almost done. It’s hard to believe that graduation is just a few short weeks away and all these assignments will be behind me just like that.

*I’m loving Paula Deen’s Beef Stroganoff recipe! I made it on Monday and hubs liked it better than my usual recipe. The flavor was AMAZING!

*I’m loving that hubs and I have raised over half the money we need to go to Honduras with Trash Mountain Project. You can check them out here and if you feel like donating to help us get there you can donate here at RidgePoint Church’s website just list Chris & Megan Weatherly Honduras Trip in the memo line. Thanks in advance if you are so inclined to help. 🙂

*I’m loving the fact that hubs and I hate the idea of eating out these days. I love cooking and he loves eating my cooking so I must be doing something right.

So what are you loving this beautiful Wednesday?


I found this questionnaire as I was surfing the blog world. I found it at Perfectly Imperfect, written by Jenn. 

Current Book:
English Ivy by Catherine Palmer. I’ve read this book tons of times and still love it.

Current Playlist:
It varies depending on my mood. Lots of Ke$ha lately with a little bit of Taking Back Sunday. I know. I know. It’s so very eclectic. 

Current Color:
It’s this coral-type color I picked out at the nail salon for my manicure. It look neat.

Current Drink:
Some leftover Mr. Pibb from lunch…I know it’s called “Pibb xtra” now but that just sounds dumb.

Current Food:
For lunch I went to Frostbite in Frostproof, FL with my friends Jamison and Galina. I had my usual: chicken strips, fries, and soft serve ice cream. I’m like a little kid with my food sometimes.

Current Favorite Show:
My two favorite shows on t.v. right now are Bones and Grey’s Anatomy. I didn’t watch the latter one until really recently but I really enjoy it.

Current Wishlist:
I keep thinking about this one because my dad just asked me what I want for graduation. I’m looking into cameras right now – the ones where you can change the lenses and be all fancy by being charge of the zoom. I need to check out Consumer Report and see what they say. If you have a suggestion let me know.

 Current Needs:
To pick a new apartment, and obtain a black wardrobe for the Paul Mitchell School of Hair (BECAUSE I WAS ACCEPTED!!!!!)

Current Triumphs:
I graduate in 22 days and look at the previous answer.

Current Bane(s) of my Existence:
Attempting to do homework when I know I’m so close to the end that I just don’t want to.

Current Celebrity Crush:
Hugh Jackman wins this category. Hubs knows. It’s ok.

Current #1 Blessing:
Hubs. Always. He puts up with my craziness and I know he will always be there for me.

Current Indulgence:
Bunny Tracks ice cream…and Cadbury Creme Eggs. It’s Easter time. I’m going to indulge in them as much as I can until next year.

Current Outfit:
Jean shorts, a purple cami and a pink polka dot sweater

Current Excitement:
Going to Moe’s tonight with some friends and then the drive-in movie – woo woo!

 Current Mood:
A little sleepy due to the afternoon heat and the coolness of my apartment and excited about tonight’s adventure.

Organizations Version

*I’m loving To Write Love on Her Arms.

(photo via twloha.com)

*I’m loving TOMS shoes.

(photo via google)

*I’m loving Invisible Children.

(photo via invisiblechildren.com)

*I’m loving Trash Mountain Project.

(photo via j.j. gawlowicz)

*I’m loving Compassion International.

(photo via google.com)

*I’m loving Broken Voices.

(photo via brokenvoices.org)

What organizations are making an impact in your world?

Join Jamie if you want to have a little piece of the fun.

Yes, it rhymes. Yes, I chuckled to myself when I read it. Yes, I’m slightly sleep deprived which might explain why I even found it funny.
So…I should be writing my ethics paper right now…but I’m not. I don’t want to. I want to take a nap or go to the beach or just do anything or maybe even nothing. I have zero motivation. This is my last big paper of my college career. That’s a pretty big deal! And yet, here I am with this debilitating disease unable to formulate proper sentences. This paper is due Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. I have time…kind of. Oh, I forgot to mention that this paper requires a annotative bibliography which I’ve never done before and sounds time consuming and relatively pointless.
I still have no motivation. None. Ugh. I guess I better try to invent some. I have another class in an hour and should at least try to get a paragraph done.

* I’m loving that hubs enjoys his new job so much!

*I’m loving that I officially picked up my cap & gown for graduation in 31 days.

*I’m loving the fact that “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” is back on. I know it’s kind of cheesy but I enjoy it.

*I’m loving this FL weather right now! It’s currently 74 degrees and sunny! I’m soakin’ up a little vitamin D.

*I’m loving sweet tea. It’s the perfect drink that goes with anything. Plus it’s made mostly of water so I feel a little better about drinking it versus soda.

*I’m loving that it’s summer dress season again!

*I’m loving Bunny Tracks ice cream by Blue Bunny.

If you want to join in the fun, go link up with Jaime at her blog.

I normally don’t do the whole “Link Up Party” stuff but I figured I might just give it a try. I want to expand my blogging horizons and this seems like a good way to do it.


I’m loving the beautiful sunshine outside after the horrible rain the last few days.

I’m loving the fact that I just bought TOMS shoes for only $20 (normally $44!). Mine are all black and I already have ideas on how to decorate them. I’ll post pictures when I finish that project.


I’m loving that I FINALLY graduate in 38 days!

I’m loving having blonde highlights back in my hair.

I’m loving that hubs seems to really enjoy his new job so far. We’re going to have a family meeting to discuss our major future decisions this weekend.


If you want to join in the fun, go link up with Jaime at her blog.


This song makes me smile. It’s not just because the lead singer from Flyleaf is in it too. The lyrics are powerful and music is catchy. I hope you enjoy it too. Also, it really fits to our lives right now – “Courage is when you’re afraid, but you keep on moving anyway; courage is when you’re in pain, but you keep on livin’ anyway.”

Transparency 2.0

I promised myself I would be honest on here. I repeatedly told myself that this would be my arena to share the things I cannot easily verbalize. Who knew keeping my word to myself could be so hard? So here we go then…

I have 44 days until I graduate from Warner University. 44 days until I put on that drowning black gown, hideous hat, and walk down the aisle to accept a black leather folder with a piece of paper saying they will mail my real diploma to me. It took my 6 years to get here. You wanna know something, though? I’m not even excited. I try not to think about it. It doesn’t even really mean much to me.

Let me guess what you’re thinking: Why? After all these years, how could you not be super excited?

Why? I’ll tell you why I can’t think about this day without feeling like a sad, sappy mess. This big, monumental day when I should be celebrating loses its meaning when I remember that there is a high chance my parents won’t be able to be there. Don’t misunderstand me. I understand why they might not be able to make it and I’m not mad; it just makes me want to cry. It’s simply another reminder that they live oh so far away and it’s just another event that will pass without them being a part of it. If you know my folks, don’t talk to them about this. They already feel bad enough. I’m not writing this to cause more guilt or pain. I just needed to say it. I needed to deal with it because I have a tendency to just push it all down. So this is me dealing with it. They know I want them there. I know they want to be there. There’s still a chance they might be there, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

I’m going to tie another topic to this post that kind of connects. Last night I was part of a conversation that left me with a lot to think about. The three people I was talking to are all grandparents. They were bonding by talking about their frustrations with how their kids use their grandkids as pawns to get free babysitting out of these grandparents. I understood their frustration, but it still upset me. I might not be a parent yet or a grandparent, but I hate it when people live minutes away from their family and don’t know how to cherish it. I would kill to have my family close enough that I could even be a babysitting option. Instead of complaining about it all, I just wish they would at least be a little grateful to be able to see them on a regular basis. I see my niece twice a year. She’s already 4. I’ve missed every birthday, every pre-school play, and every hospital stay. I missed her first steps, her first words, and simply having the ability to play with her. I barely know her. If I had nothing else to do, I would gladly love to have the opportunity to babysit her.

Alright, there it is. That’s my transparency…well at least the start of it. There’s a lot more going on in my brain but I have to be able to mull it all over before I can share it.


It’s OK…

…to embrace the idea that God speaks to you through something you love (i.e. random books).

…to only eat Cinnamelts during breaks at work because it gives you something to look forward to.

…to write in pink ink because it brightens up your homework.

…to ask questions, especially questions about faith and God.

…to be addicted to coffee. Yes I know I should ween myself off but I really, really, REALLY like the flavor of my mocha coffee I make myself.

…to always be early. Everywhere. For everything.

…to double check your work schedule 3 times during a shift because you’re afraid you miscalculated the military time.

…to buy Mario shaped fruit snacks because you know it’ll make your hubs smile.

…to go to a new restaurant and only want to order chicken strips because they sound the best.

…to be annoyed because some church in Ohio bribes people to come to Easter Sunday service with a drawing for $1000 to be split between the member and his guest. Really??? Is that what Christianity has come to?

…to watch a movie you know by heart just because you want to have a reason to quote it.

…to laugh while watching iCarly on Netflix.

Update on Life

Wow. Sorry for the almost month-long sabbatical. It wasn’t intentional. Life has been absolutely insane over the last month and my poor, exhausted brain could barely put sentences togethers, let alone beautifully sculpted ones for your enjoyment. So here’s what’s new with me:

*I work at McDonald’s. I officially started February 21st and work 4-5 days a week for 25-30 hours/week. I’m usually working the closing shift which means I don’t get back home until anywhere between 12 a.m. – 1:30 a.m. It has been really exhausting. At first, I hated it. I would have a knot in my stomach before I went to work and the whole time I was there, I just wanted to leave. Then God, in all his wisdom, spoke to me through a book I was reading for one of my classes. The author of the book was working as a waiter and had a similar attitude to mine when God spoke to him and said, “It is not the job, my son (or daughter). It is your attitude. Let it be like that of Christ Jesus.” Those sentences hit my heart hard. My attitude did not reflect Christ at all, so I changed it. That was about 2 weeks ago, and last night while I was working, one of my co-workers commented on the fact that I am always smiling and have a great attitude. I guess it’s working.

*Hubs got a new job! He starts next Monday at Faircount Media Group as an advertising salesman. He will sell the ad space within all these magazines that this company creates. Since Hubs has never done anything like this before, we’re both very nervous. It’s also in Tampa so he’ll have to travel a few hours each day to and from work. After the first week, we’ll have a family meeting to discuss how much he likes it and if he still loves it, then I will turn in my two weeks notice at work. The only reason I would have to do that is because he’ll be working during the day Monday – Friday, but I currently work nights. Plus if this new job works out for him, then we won’t need the income from my job at McDonalds. I think I might miss it though. I enjoy helping bring in some income.

*Also, with Hubs new job, if he really likes it, then we’ll be moving but it’s too soon to tell those details. He hasn’t even started after all. I will say I think God has been preparing our hearts to move. There’s an itch within me that’s simply ready to go and nothing seems to make it go away.

*My parents were down in sunny Florida the first weekend in March. My mom, who has worked at Wal*Mart for 15 years, won a contest. She won a trip for 4 to stay at the Disney Yacht Club Resort for 3 nights and 2-day Park Hopper passes to all 4 of Disney’s major parks for all 4 people. So she and my dad flew down and met Hubs and me at the hotel where we all spent a wonderful sibling-free weekend. I love my siblings very, very much, but it was nice to have adult time with my parents. We haven’t really spent time together just the four of us like that; it was an amazing weekend I won’t soon forget.

I think those are all the major updates. I’ll try to have a more creative/fun/entertaining post soon. Also, I’ll try very hard not to let another month go by before I blog. So very sorry again.
