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Archive for the ‘Thankful’ Category

Shake the Dust

Let me premise this video. It’s A-MAZ-ING. Yup. Promise. Anis Mojgani will introduce you to a new flavor of poetry and will leave you craving for more. The English major in me loves the way he twists words and phrases to make such a beautiful design that is unlike anything I have ever heard before. Hubs and I had the privilege of seeing him live a year ago in Orlando with TWLOHA’s Heavy and Light show. We lost our words that night. I hope you enjoy it too.

P.S. My favorite lines are “For the springtime that somehow seems to show up after every single winter”. It’s a phrase that gets stuck in my head on repeat. It makes me smile.

Waiting, Waiting, and More Waiting

I’ve been on pins and needles since last Tuesday. Waiting. Ugh, I hate waiting. I’m terrible at it. Chris keeps telling me I have to learn patience, but I’m a slow learner in that department. So I’ve been waiting…impatiently…since last Tuesday.

I finally got it all confirmed today. Yay! What, might you ask, have I been waiting for? Why this semester’s grades of course!

I know. I’m a nerd.

So I’ve been checking online all week hoping and praying for positive results. Since seeing the results, I’ve decided that God loves me.


Career Planning: A
British Literature 2: A-
Communication Elements & Theories: A


Old Testament Origins: A!! ( I swore it would be a C)
Beginning Biblical Interpretation: B+ (Ditto to OTO)

This is amazing! Stupendous! Delightful! Exciting! I’m about to make up words because I’m so happy! This is an awesome start to Christmas break! Now if the plane can stop being delayed, we could get our butts to Minnesota to celebrate Christmas with my fam.


The Pause Between Chapters…

Last night was the closing of the first chapter, but what a first chapter it was! It was filled with joy, nervousness, tears, connection, bonding, sharing, heartbreak, and most of all, love. Love covered every ounce of the chapter. I’m quite sad to see it end, but very excited to start the second chapter.

What am I talking about? Why, Family Group, of course!

What is “Family Group”? It’s the best thing ever and everyone should be a part of one in my opinion!

Family Group is RPC’s version of small groups, only better. This unique grouping of 10-12 people meet once a week in someone’s home and do a bible study together of some sort. We basically do life together. Because the pastor really can’t meet the emotional and physical needs of everyone in the church, that’s what the group is for. They’re the people you call when something happens or you need someone to pray for you. They are the people who will be there at the drop of a hat anytime and will support you through life’s difficulties.

That’s what my Family Group does. We’ve only had one semester together, but we’ve grown so close over that time period. We’ve laughed and shared our hurts and pains. We’ve bonded over good food and pray for those who couldn’t make it that night. It’s the one day I look forward to most and when it’s done, I cannot wait until next week. That’s what it’s all about.

Our semester is officially done and we’re taking a break until after the holidays. Our next meeting will by in January and I cannot wait! I’m not quite sure how I’m going to survive the next month, but I know what if I need any of them, all I have to do is call and all will be well again with the world.

So, Family Group members, I love you. I’ll miss you. I truly don’t know where I would be without you. Thank you for being there for me and hugging me through the tears and confessions. And those of you not in a Family Group – Go join one. In January when we have sign-ups. Don’t delay. It will truly wreck your world in an amazing way and you’ll never be the same again. You’ll feel that sense of belonging you’ve been longing for. So go.

P.S. Tara, stop crying. It’s ok. Promise. I know they’re happy tears. I love you too!

My Birthday Extravaganza Part 1 & 2


This part occurred on my actual birthday, Thursday November 4. Unfortunately, my 8:00 am class would not take a day off for my birthday so I had to go to class and chapel. In between the two, my darling husband and Jamison C. Smith arrived to say hello. Jamison awarded me with my first birthday present: a bright pink Warner University sweatshirt! Yay! I loved it! It was very nice and fuzzy. After chapel, the three of us moseyed down to Avon Park to have lunch at the Depot (one of my favorite small town restaurants). I still love that they remember us when we go there. Chris and I used to go on dates there pre-budget and marriage so it was nice to go back. After lunch, we did a little clothes shopping for Mr. Smith who was about to start a new job at the previously mentioned University. Several outfits later, we parted ways and headed back home. Chris had to work that night at 5, but he pulled some strings to get off early so we could go to Lakeland for dinner. During the in-between time, Ms. Tara Bent arrived at my door with a surprise cupcake cake in the shape of an ice cream cone. She made it herself! It was very sweet of her and her husband, Jimmy, to bring it by and completely surprise me! (Thanks again, you two!) Then I picked up Chris at 8 and we headed over to Lakeland to have dinner at BD’s Mongolian Grill. I had a BOGO coupon so I ate for free because it was my birthday (even better!). Then we came back home and Chris gave me a present – my long anticipated Nora Roberts book that had been released two days earlier. Yes, I’m already done reading it. Part one continued with a pedicure with Tara Bent on Friday (my toes are still adorable). It’s been my first pedicure since my wedding, which is crazy to think that so much time has passed. I loved having quality girl time, though, because for me that’s about as rare as pedicures are so it was great and will hopefully be a tradition for Tara and me. Then on Saturday, we had lunch with the in-laws to celebrate my birthday and spend time with them.


Part two took place in Orlando on Friday the 12th. Chris booked us a hotel room at the Gaylord Palms!!!!!! and we were meeting six friends for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Jamison was nice enough to take Casey (dog) for the weekend so we didn’t have to worry about him. We went to Orlando around noon and had lunch at Chick-fil-a; after that we headed to I-Drive and went to see the movie “Morning Glory” with Rachel McAdams. It was a great movie with a fabulous moral about separating work and home. It was really cute. I told Chris we need to buy it when it comes out. For dessert, we split some Coldstone Creamery ice cream and then headed to our hotel where we relaxed for about an hour before going to the restaurant to put our name on the waiting list. The wait was around an hour and everyone else got there about 30 minutes after we did. Once we were seated, we enjoyed each other’s company for about 2 hours at the table. It was so much fun! We took pictures, shared food and drinks, and laughed over and over again. Even our waitress joined in. It was a fabulous night! We got back to the hotel around 10 and I was done. I slept until about 9:30 the next morning too. Once the room the was packed, we checked out and headed to Five Guys for lunch, then went to the mall for some wandering and shopping. After the mall, we relaxed at the bookstore before heading home. We made it home in time for Chris to go to work that night.

I almost get a part three for my birthday too with the arrival of a package from my folks which should be here on Monday or Tuesday of this upcoming week. That’ll be a bright light during my week of homework galore.

All in all, this has been a marvelous birthday experience! Thanks, sweetheart, for making it fabulous!


I’m “lucky I’m in love with my best friend” in the words of Jason Mraz. I love my husband. I don’t think I say it often enough. So here I go:

* I am blessed beyond belief to have married a man who respects me and my dreams enough to put his on hold so I can accomplish what I need to.

*I am so thankful to be treasured at much as I am by a man who does the dishes for me because he knows I hate it or walks the dog every night because he knows I get a little jumpy at  night.

*I married a man who, even though he doesn’t care much about birthdays, goes out of his way to make sure that mine is amazing and event-filled.

*He loves me exactly like I am…i.e. He doesn’t mind the fact that I never wear make up so much so that when I do get really dolled up, he doesn’t even have words.

*He brings me a cherry coke when I’m at school just because it’s my birthday week.

*He works hard to meet my needs, whatever they may be.

There are so many other things I could mention but I will leave it at this. He’s amazing and he’s all mine. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I love you, Christopher Weatherly.

30 Posts

This, dear reader, is a milestone for me. I decided to celebrate. During the month of October last year I decided to start a blog. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into or why I was crazy enough to allow my husband to convince me that this would be great for me. Looking back over the last year, a lot has happened. Through this beautiful blog I have allowed myself to share things that I never thought I could verbalize. I’ve pushed myself to write more often and allow that creative part of my brain to function the way it should. It’s been unbelievable to experience the growth that I have and the joy of knowing transparency is possible, even it is through the written word. I might not know all the blog terminology or really understand what I have started here but doing this on a regular basis, but I am excited to see what the next year holds and of course, whether or not I can write more posts next year.

Hopefully we’ll see what happens together and gain a few more readers in the process. Thank you for putting up with me!